Make purchasing development projects happen with MyPlan!
According to me, some of the most crucial success factors to implement a change in people ways of working, are not systematically addressed in usual trainings or consultancy projects.

Sourcing Services
Support purchasing development activities
I realized that some of the most crucial success factors to implement a change in people ways of working are not systematically addressed in usual trainings or consultancy projects. If you’re curious to know more about my L.E.A.D. method, read more here.

Purchasing skills assessment & development
If you still use Excel or PowerPoint to monitor the assessment of the purchasing skills of your team members, and create together their yearly competence development plan, this digital tool could be of interest.
Learn more about some of the
business cases.
Bernard Arrateig —
has solid expertise of purchasing processes.

20 years experience in a purchasing department of large international Finnish company (UPM).
He spent 8 years as a Co-Builder with his clients to support purchasing departments to develop their own capabilities.
5 years experience as a founder / developer of a SaaS App dedicated to strategy category management.
Master of Science, Microbiology – (University of Bordeaux, Biology 1991)
MBA, Industrial Purchasing – (M.A.I. Kedge Business school, 1993)
Systemic Business Coach-program – (Coaching House Finland, 2014)
Leadership program (IMD, Lausanne, 2010)